Category Archives: musings

So how slow are you today?

Some time last year, I stumbled upon a blog valuing smart work over hard work. I am very much familiar with the author’s description of being a “hero” at work or should I say, I got affected with the author’s description of heroes (or not) at work.

I find the blog, though posted years ago, very timely especially that I have finally gained courage to finally step out of my comfort zone and take on a very big challenge.

I hope I can apply all of Matt Steele’s 8 tips at work.

Coffee stains.

For 2012, I’ll be aiming to put my memorable experiences into blogs with the hopes that I will improve my writing.

Why “Coffee stains.”? Life’s experiences are like coffee stains. They are marks that are hard to take away. They mark the past and become memorable and classic.

A lot of memorable conversations I’ve had are over coffee breaks and coffee dates be it in the office, at home or in a shop. I have come to love coffee and have learned to appreciate different kinds from different parts of the world. Too bad, I didn’t blog about it. I hope I’ll be, eventually.

I have not found a particular topic of interest yet so I’ll be writing about anything under the sun that will catch my attention.

Welcome to my blog site. Let us start having coffee stains.