Category Archives: Juancho

Daddy/Mommy toinks #1

[Juan enters room and hands over Juancho’ s cleaned toys to me]
Mommy (handing newly washed Mr. Blue to Juancho): Hi Mr. Blue! You’re back…and clean!
Daddy: Who’s “Clean”?


Juancho: Yeah, Dad. Who’s “Clean”?

Juancho milestone: first taste of food

As first time parents, we only want what’s best for our son. Who doesn’t? Although Juancho has been introduced with different tastes of food when he was just a fetus (via the amniotic fluid) and upon birth (via breastmilk), we were so excited for his first actual taste of solid foods! But cautious enough to read articles online and seek for his pediatrician’s advice. Her tips made sense so I want to also share it with you coupled with a few of my insights.

Go all natural and home-made. Nothing beats home-made food. What they sell in the market is the same as what you can prepare at home SANS the preservatives, of course. Continue reading Juancho milestone: first taste of food

Juancho’s Christening outfit

We had piña-jusi barong and shorts tailored in Lumban, Laguna for Juancho’s Christening. His barong has mini elephants embroidered all over it.

Elephant amigurumi done by Twinkle Urriquia

For his shoes, I crocheted moccasins, where I used mocha colored medium worsted weight yarn and cream velvet yarn and got Mon Petit Violon‘s free pattern for this project.